Survival Kit

February 18, 2018

Jesus Is Our Survival Kit

Blessings Keep Us Afloat

Deuteronomy 28:2; Psalm 21:6; Galatians 5:13

Today the Freedom Kids participated in a simple, yet simply super, service project that allowed kids to know of a quick and easy way to share about God to those around them who might need a little encouragement.

I began today’s lesson by asking kids to describe what a survival kit is and what value it has.  Many described first aid kids and that worked too!  Several things like, “It helps in an emergency,” or “It can save your life,” and “A survival kit helps you when you are in trouble,” were said in the group.

Then I asked:

  • In what ways is God like a survival kit?
  • How can Jesus’ love help us in ways similar to a survival kit?
  • How can we share Jesus’ love to help others during times when they are feeling discouraged?

We talked about how sometimes when we feel sad or discouraged a reminder of God’s love is like a heavenly survival kit.  It helps us to remember the blessings we have in our lives and to praise God when he sends us help when we are going through troubling times.  We read some scriptures to help us understand God’s promises:

All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God – Deuteronomy 28:2

Surely you have granted him unending blessings
    and made him glad with the joy of your presence. – Psalm 21:6

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. – Galatians 5:13

Next, we made a cool survival kit to share with our friends and family member to help them remember God’s blessings during tough times.  The goal is for the kids to be able to use these to help their friends and family remember God’s presence in their lives.


Here is what we put in our Survival Kits:

  • toothpick – This small piece of wood reminds us of the large gift of love Jesus gave us on the cross.
  • rubber band – When situations stretch us, God helps us remain flexible.
  • pencil – Smile! God has already written our names in His book of life!
  • eraser – God “erases” our sins and mistakes when we ask for his forgiveness.
  • gum – God’s love and presence sticks with us through thick and thin.
  • mint – Remember the sweetness and comfort that is found in God’s Word.
  • chocolate candy kiss – God sent us the kiss of love and live through Jesus

Read these reminders to stay afloat when life gets you down!

Jesus Is Our Survival Kit

Parents – ask your kiddos to share with you about their survival kits when you get home!!


Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 11, 2018

Valentine's Day 2018

Love Carries Us Through

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

1 Cor 13 7

Today’s lesson was inspired by one of the four main goals of the Freedom Kids Ministry, which is to serve those around us.  One population that is sometimes overlooked, especially during this special day, is that of the seniors in our community.  Today, we talked about how God’s love helps us “bear all things” and carries us through even the loneliest of times.

Our conversation started by asking kids to recall a time when they felt lonely – even if it was only for a few minutes or on a rare occasion.  We reminded ourselves that when we have love, and feel the love of God, we can bear all things.

Then, we read 1 Corinthians 12:4-7.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

We discussed:

  • In what was is love kind?  Patient? Encouraging?
  • How can knowing someone cares help us through lonely times? When we are scared?  When we are sad?

We talked about how sometimes many elderly people feel forgotten or lonely.  Often times, their own kids have moved away or have their own families.  Sometimes their friends may be ill.  Other times, they may not have opportunities to meet other people or go places.  I explained that God wants us to remember those people who may feel lonely or forgotten and that today, we would be sharing in a service project that will remind the seniors in our church that they are loved and that love “bears” all things.

We spent some time creating these cute little Valentines for the seniors in our congregation! Take a look at how they turned out!

Valentine's Day 2018 Love Bears All Things


When we finished our Valentines we prayed that God would remind the seniors in our church that our loving project was a symbol that they are not forgotten and that God and the kids loved them!  I wish I could have videoed the responses when the children passed out the Valentines after the church service was over.  Priceless!


The kids learned another lesson today.  See, they all wanted to eat the Teddy Grahams they were giving away and several asked if they could have any extras.  They were disappointed to know that I did not purchase enough extras for everyone to have one.  What they didn’t know is that I was waiting to give them a Valentine gift of my own. Ha!

After the kids were done passing out their Valentines to the seniors, they were given a sweet ‘Jesus Loves You’ lollipop and bookmark to remind them that they, too, are loved today.

Valentine's Day 2018


Happy Valentine’s Day to you!




I’m SO EXCITED to meet you!!


February 4, 2018
Excited to Meet You

My first Sunday with the Freedom Kids was amazing!  We spent time getting to know one another, sharing some of our favorite things and some prayer requests and praises for the blessings in our lives.

One of my favorite topics of conversation was when we discussed our favorite story from the Bible and/or our favorite memory verse.  The kids shared with me how they love hearing about the bravery and faith Daniel displayed in the lion’s den. They recanted how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced the flames and were spared because of their faith and God provided for them. Others loved the nativity story and of course the promise of the resurrection!  Another loved the story of the first baptism!  I absolutely cannot wait to hear more about their favorite lessons and of how they will add to their list as we continue to learn more together!

I also got to share one of my favorite verses from when I was about their age, and admittedly I still love it and it still proves to give me a bout of confidence still today at age 38!

1 Tim 4 12

As Freedom Kids, I hope to share the importance of this verse again and again with them.  There are a lot of people in their lives that will try to tell them they are “too little” to make a difference in the world around them and beyond, but I say differently!  Better yet, God says differently!!!

Parents, I encourage you to instill this verse in their lives on a regular basis.  Satan will always try to attack us on an emotional level.  When our kids start to feel they aren’t ‘good enough’ to impact the lives around them, or even their own for that matter, let this verse remind them that they do have the ability to impact others by setting an example of Jesus’ love for us toward others.  This is an exceptionally important lesson when kiddos are sometimes let down by the people who are supposed to encourage them the most – the believers – because we sometimes underestimate what God can do through them.


I ended today’s lesson by giving each Freedom Kid a little goodie bag I had prepared for them to share just how excited I was to meet them!  Here is what was included:

I’ve been BUBBLING with excitement to meet you – a small bottle of bubbles.

My heart is BURSTING with joy because I get to know you – 3 Starburst candies.

I know that the Freedom Kids Ministry will ROCK with you in it – PopRocks candy.

I know God’s light will SHINE so bright in you – a Glow bracelet.

I can’t wait to see you SMILING FACES each & every Sunday – emoji candy & smiley pen.


If today was any indication of what to expect, I can’t wait to grow together in the Freedom Kid’s Ministry with each of you!

Thanks for the hugs and high fives!!!!



Welcome to Freedom Kids!

Welcome to Freedom Kids!Welcome to Freedom Kids!  Our children’s ministry is an excellent way to partner with you as parents as you point your kids to Jesus and help them to know who He really is…and help them love others the way He loves us!

There are 4 Goals for the Freedom Kids Ministry:

  • Connect – In the Children’s Ministry we strive to teach kids to build strong relationships with God foremost, but also to the Freedom Family and to their friends!  John 15:5 
  • Grow – Freedom Kids strive to grow in God’s Character!  heart mind hands
    1. Grow in knowledge of God (mind)
    2. Grow in character of God (heart)
    3. Grow in serving God (hands)
  • Serve – Freedom Kids learn how to serve in God’s Church!
    • We actively learn to serve our
      • Family
      • Church
      • Community
      • Friends
      • World
  • Share – As a Freedom Kid, they will learn how to share their faith with their friends and family! John 3:16; 1 Peter 3:15

In order to reach these goals, our ministry is built on a foundation age-appropriate activities and lessons led by consistent leaders who intentionally build a relationship with each child.  It is our passion to mentor kids and encourage them as they learn to walk with the Lord. Our leaders equip parents with resources to continue the conversation at home.

For more information on our children’s ministry, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director Jamie


Meet the Children’s Ministry Director


Jamie Masters is very excited to be a part of the Freedom Family.  She is married to her husband Scott and they have one son, Ethan.

“I am very blessed to have been raised in a loving, Christian home by parents who were active in their faith and in turn, in their church. From a very early age, God’s presence in my life was vividly made known and it was at the age of eight when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and was baptized. Through active involvement in my own experiences in youth group, Bible Bowl, and church camps, etc. I have known the importance of faith, a strong and personal relationship with the Lord, and the need to be grounded in the Word. I have always felt the tug to work with young people, and thus, my collegiate studies took me down the path of secondary education and resulted in my ten year teaching career. So many Godly relationships were influential in my adolescence and youth, and I knew that as a teacher I had the amazing opportunity to mentor young people, demonstrating God’s love and grace, on a regular basis. I am convinced that God has given me the gifts and the desire to continue to serve Him in the area of discipleship-making ministry. I am committed to helping others encounter Jesus, to nurture their relationship with the Lord, to discover their own spiritual gifts and to encourage them to also share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – not only to be hearers of the Word, but to live fully in the joy of His promise, sharing that love with others. “ ~ Jamie

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